Supporting, resourcing, and advocating for permanently-sidelined student-athletes

New Pursuits

Stay connected to sports through alternate avenues

Finding an alternate way to stay involved with your sport, or with sports in general, can provide an outlet to stay connected to the things that matter most to you. Being a part of a team, experiencing the rush of competition, the thrill of victory, the adrenaline rushes — can all be accessible to you once again.

Maybe you pursue a new sport that you are medically cleared to play or maybe you get involved with sports through exploring a new skill or career in sports. We encourage you to explore the options with an open mind until you discover your next chapter!

The Next Chapter Podcast


In the Next Chapter Podcast, we designate each episode to explore a new career in sports. Hear from professionals in each field to learn what their job entails, the highlights of their work, and next steps you can take toward pursuing their career if your interest is piqued!

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