Supporting, resourcing, and advocating for permanently-sidelined student-athletes


Insightful articles for helping permanently-sidelined athletes find a meaningful way forward.

Posts tagged end of sports career
Unfinished Business: 5 Insights When Your Athletic Season is Sidelined by a Pandemic

The reality of COVID-19 related impact on sports is brutal. “This is going to last far longer than we care to imagine,” they say. We’ve got to get used to a “new norm”, we are advised. Maybe a new norm seems impossible to accept right now, and fear and uncertainty are weighing heavy. Maybe it feels like you’ve been blocked off from one of the most significant parts of yourself. Maybe you are wondering if it’s okay to feel so devastated when many others are suffering far greater losses like losing their jobs and not knowing how to pay their rent or feed their kids. While these are new experiences to the vast majority of all the “sidelined” athletes in the world right now, this is a familiar space for us at Sidelined USA.

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Recommendations for the Permanently Sidelined Athlete

It is normal and healthy to experience a period of sadness following a career-ending injury. Take some time to come to terms with what has happened. It will help you to move forward when you’re ready.

Talk about it. It can be beneficial to express your feelings to someone that you trust.

Identify those people who can provide support and encouragement in coping with your injury.


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Becoming Sidelined: Understanding the Grief Process

Permanently sidelined athletes can expect to go through a grieving process as they adjust to their new reality of life beyond their sport. Research shows that most sidelined athletes experience the same stages of grief. Understanding what an athlete can expect to experience when coping with the loss of his/her sport can be a powerful piece of knowledge, both for the athlete and his/her family.

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