Supporting, resourcing, and advocating for permanently-sidelined student-athletes


Insightful articles for helping permanently-sidelined athletes find a meaningful way forward.

Posts tagged repeat concussions
Creating a Healthy Identity Beyond the Game

“You’re only as good as your last game . . . match . . . race.” Sound familiar? 

As a competitor, it is common to tie your athletic identity to your performance in your sport. What can happen though it you aren’t careful is that your performance can become the key indicator of how you measure your worth and subsequently, can greatly impact how happy you are overall in life.

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Healthy Adjustment to Career-Ending Injury or Health Condition Part 2: Finding Your Voice in the Aftermath

Receiving the news of forced sport discontinuation can be devastating to an athlete. The reality of being permanently-sidelined from the sport you love may force you to confront many new challenges you may not have faced before.

This article is here to help break down and assess your situation as a permanently-sidelined athlete and help you find your voice to get the support you need.

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Becoming Sidelined: Managing Negative Self-Talk

Being forced to retire from competing in a sport that you love is objectively heartbreaking. You’re allowed (even encouraged) to let yourself feel every negative emotion that comes with grieving the loss of a really important aspect of your life and identity. What remains important throughout this process though, is that you treat yourself with kindness and patience. You owe it to yourself to alter any internal-dialogues which threaten to convince you that these circumstances are more disastrous than you are strong.

As we begin to analyze our internal dialogues, we should be wary of unhelpful thought patterns that have manifested themselves so deeply that they impact our entire perception of the world, our experiences, and ourselves. These thoughts are not reality-based and overtime they are reinforced, resulting in biases, irrational thoughts, and groundless beliefs.

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6 Factors to Consider in Possible Sport Retirement Due to Brain Health Concerns

The decision to recommend athlete retirement due to concerns for brain health is not one to be taken lightly.  Several factors must be considered, as the removal from sport itself may lead to its own issues down the line, especially if the decision is made for the athlete instead of by or with the athlete.  Most athletes, especially one-sport athletes or those playing at an elite level, identify themselves heavily with their sport.  For this reason, forced retirement can have a significant impact on their overall wellbeing. 

As outlined below, there are several factors to consider when discussing possible retirement from sport due to brain health concerns. 

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